Where to Buy/Find/Repair

a Circular Sock Machine (CSM)

There is no such thing as a beginner machine!

Circular sock machines are surprisingly complex and have a steeper learning curve than most people expect.

The best machine is a working one!  Everyone seems to swear by the particular brand machine that they currently own. My only recommendation is to purchase one you have actually seen produce something knitted (either in person or by video). 

There are many machines for sale that are NOT in working condition and some that will never work (deteriorated beyond repair and/or thrown together with mismatched parts by unscrupulous sellers.)  I recommend that any beginner stays away from machines that need repair/work. It’s difficult enough learning how to use this machines, but when you don’t know if it’s you or the machine that’s the problem, it makes it even more difficult.

The price for a machine is anywhere from free (inherited, gifted, found) to over $5-6k USD

The AVERAGE price for used is $1000-2000 USD depending on accessories and number of cylinders/ribbers. Slightly more for machines with more cylinders/ribbers, slightly less for older machines with a single cylinder.

New Machines

(in alphabetical order)


3-D Printed Machines

Repair/Refurbish Machines



  • Angora Valley Fibers in the USA, sells a large selection of needles for various machines. They also occasionally have some parts and machines for sale.

Note: Some companies that build new machines also sell spare parts/cylinders/needles. Check the websites above for details and availability.