
It can be tricky to try and locate antique CSM manuals on the internet. This page will try to locate and list as many manuals as possible and the website they are available on. Most manuals can be downloaded directly from those sites.

It is recommended to look through as many manuals as possible (even if they are not your machine), as some of them offer instruction on techniques for various pattern (eg. lace and textured knits), in addition to instruction for various non-sock garments.

Various antique/vintage pamphlets can also be found on things such as techniques, catalogues, etc. Scroll down below the manuals for a list.

Please check back for updates. Last updated, March 2023

Note: Some manuals are very old and in poor shape when they were photographed/photocopied. Some manuals have been scanned sideways and will need to be printed or rotated in order to read them. However, we are grateful that they have been made available.


Pamphlets & Other